Rural Planning Organization (RPO)

Mid-Carolina Rural Planning Organization

Who We Are:

Mid-Carolina's rural transportation organization spans throughout Cumberland, Bladen, Sampson and Harnett Counties. This regional transportation planning organization is dedicated to coordinating transportation planning efforts for rural areas in North Carolina not served by larger, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs). Mid-Carolina is one of 20 RPOs throughout the state; these Organizations were established with the goal to support enhanced and collaborative planning for less populated areas.

Our members include, but are not limited to:

Bladen County & Cumberland County & Harnett County & Sampson County &
Town of Bladenboro Town of Falcon City of Dunn  Town of Autryville
Town of Clarkton Town of Godwin   Town of Clinton
Town of Dublin Town of Linden   Town of Garland
Town of East Arcadia Town of Stedman   Town of Harrells
Town of Elizabethtown Town of Wade    Town of Newton Grove
Town of Tar Heel     Town of Roseboro
Town of White Lake      Town of Salemburg
      Town of Turkey 


Mid-Carolina RPO is housed at our Lead Planning Agency, Mid-Carolina Regional Council. Our designated staff member is responsible for preparing documents, organizing meetings, administering state transportation funds, serving as the point of contact for local governments and the NCDOT, and to actively support the directives of the TCC and TAC.

What we do:

We work closely with our members to identify their transportation needs, prioritize projects, and develop plans that improve mobility, safety, and infrastructure across the regions. The RPO is tasked with four core duties:

  1. Comprehensive Transportation Plans:  Collaborate with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to develop transportation plans for the region that reflect their goals.
  2. Public Participation:  Facilitate and encourage community involvement to ensure diverse input into the transportation planning process with the North Carolina Department of Transportation and their representatives.
  3. Project Prioritization:  Recommend and prioritie ransportation projects for inclusion in the State’s Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), which provides funding.
  4. Information Sharing:  Share transportation related information with local governments, organizations and the public.

These duties are established in the RPOs governing and administrative documents which are:  

The Prospectus

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

Draft SPOT 7.0 Projects

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